November 19, 2007 Dad and Cancer
It has been 2 years since Mom passed away. We were by here bedside at this time 2 years ago, being the Monday before Thanksgiving. Today, my Dad called to let me know that he had been denied the chance to enroll in a cancer study that could have extended his life a few more months. His diagnosis is that he has 8 to 14 months left. He has been doing good. He had radiation on a cancerous lump in his hamstring. They told him that they found spots on his Lung. They have now found that he has Prostrate Cancer but they are just going to monitor it. But he has been having high pottasium and little problems here and there so he was not accepted. He has been talking to his lady friend, Karen, from Houston. He says that she wants to get married. He also says that he is thinking about going down to Houston for the winter to be with her. They have booked a cruise for February. She has tickets to come up here on December 19th and to leave on January 9th. I just don't know what his plans will be. I just want him to be happy. I will write more about this later.